Thursday, April 10, 2008

Joy and Optimism

Games and Recreation are part of our formation. Our religious formation is like a fire that continuously burns in our hearts; it makes us strong and firm in our vocation. However, if we fail to enrich one area of our formation, we will surely have some difficulty in the future. According to the book “walking with the young” the description of the playground is full of movement, shouts, and games. It is an educational tool of great power. The disappearance of this aspect is a sign of educational lack. It is also the theater of education, lending itself as it does so readily, to encounter, friendship, exchange, relaxation, in short, mutuality, and therefore, joy. Joyful and vigorous movement is integral to the human person, and is certainly relational in its intent.

Don Bosco is very wise that he encouraged his boys to this program of life, “Cheerfulness, work, and holiness.” In his oratory these three are the basic and strong foundations of his apostolate. He is expert in all these aspects. Here in our seminary we make our selves expert in these areas, because someday we will use these if we become Salesians and these are the first things that we should share to our boys.

One time in the life of Don Bosco a cardinal asked him “how did you get the hearts of your student?” He answered “to get the hearts of your student is to be like them.” “How?” the cardinal asked. “Let me show you.” Don Bosco said. He went out of the carriage and went to a cluster of boys playing in the street and played with them. Being like them will make the interaction more realistic and the boys won’t have the difficulty of relating with us. Games and Recreation also enriches our social life with others. If we don’t know how to relate with others will make the boys aloof to us. They might misinterpret our actions with regard to our social life. Game time is not MSD time hmmm… sorry for that. Game time is not Study time. Game time is not internet time. Game time is not free time. If you ask me why… well it is the only time that we can interact with each other. If you want to know your friends’ attitude, see him play and you’ll know who he is.

In the biographical memoirs of Don Bosco he said “Enjoy your games as long as they are harmless and give you useful amusement to restore your bodily health and strengthen your spirit.” Games don’t only supply our bodily health but also our soul. It makes us busy and not wastes a single moment. So while we move the devil is idle or if you want, be idle and let the devil work for you.

Games and recreations are binding factors of our community. Without these we won’t have the chance to deepen our friendship with each other. If you can’t play, your presence is enough, either in the court or in the field, basta kung saan yung game. You may call me KJ but these are real things that we should practice before we are exposed to our apostolate. A good soldier won’t go to war if he doesn’t have any bullets and gun. As aspiring Salesians, games and recreation are one of the effective bullets to get the hearts of the youths today. So arm yourself with these bullets together with those virtues that will enable us to be a true and authentic Salesians. And remember be happy always.

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